We hope to educate:
- Young People. In general, young people need to know the laws governing sex. While sex education is taught in schools, it seldom engages students in what the law prohibits and the severe consequences. Certainly, young people need to know about the dangers of HIV/AIDS and other STIs. But many young people are not aware of the dangers of legal prosecution and life-changing consequences for engaging in certain activities.
- Former Offenders and their Families. Former offenders and their families on and off the registry need to know their rights and the law. Legal technicalities and associated barriers to understanding certain restrictions needlessly leads to technical violations by well-meaning persons. We also want former offenders to understand that they did not give up their rights to human dignity and the right to pursue productive goals in life.
- Parents, Educators, Lawmakers, and the World. Parents, educators, lawmakers, and the world need to know which policies relating to sex crimes work, and which don’t. The misinformation on this topic is rampant. Incorrect assumptions and ill-conceived public policy make our society LESS SAFE. We desire a world with fewer victims. Knee-jerk reaction laws and hysteria are not productive means to this end.
Educational Resources In Oregon
- Find Your Oregon Legislator
- Partnership for Safety and Justice
- Oregon CURE
- ACLU Oregon
- Oregon Sex Offense Treatment Board
- Guide to Civic Engagement
Educational Resources Nationwide
National Affiliates
National Association for Rational Sexual Offense Laws (NARSOL): narsol.org
Alliance for Constitutional Sex Offense Laws (ACSOL): https://all4consolaws.org
State Affiliates
Illinois Voices: ilvoices.org
Texas Voices: texasvoices.org
New Mexico Liberty and Justice Coalition: https://libjusco.net/
More Educational Resources